If an existing customer chats with you anonymously in the Cheerlink Widget, for example, via incognito browser mode, a new lead profile will be created for them in Cheerlink. As a result, you will have both a lead and customer profile for the same person.

To avoid confusion and consolidate all information in one place, you can merge the lead profile with the customer profile. Here's how:

Merging Lead and Customer Profiles

A lead can be merged into an existing customer's account either manually or automatically. Merging a lead into a customer means that any information associated with the lead will be transferred over to the customer profile.

There are certain types of profiles that can (and cannot) be merged:

Here's how to merge two profiles:

Manually Merge Profiles

You can merge profiles by changing the email address of a lead to match the email address of an existing customer. This can be done from the lead's profile:


Then, the next time the customer visits your website (or refreshes the page, if they're already online), they will be merged with the newly updated lead.

If there are two or more customers with that email, the customer who was most recently active will be merged with the lead.

Automatically Merge Profiles

Automatic merges require no action on your part. When a person visits your website in a logged-out state, they're given a Cheerlink cookie to uniquely identify them. Once they start a conversation or reply to a message, they become a lead.


If they log in or sign up for your product while the Cheerlink cookie is present, their lead profile will be automatically merged with their customer profile.